Big shout out to our Spartans who received Student of the Month in January! 🎉
about 3 hours ago, Britny Berg
Congratulations wrestlers Jovanna Volker and Willow Horack. They both were 1st place at sections. They are headed to STATE!!!
about 3 hours ago, Jessica Waslaski
wrestling sections
DONATIONS NEEDED: MITTENS AND GLOVES! We have a lot of students forgetting gloves/mittens and we are out of spares resulting in cold little fingers. The elementary office is now taking donations for these items if you would like to donate. Please remember to make sure your children have appropriate winter gear each day to ensure they stay warm. Thank you!
1 day ago, Brandi Lautigar
The blood drive is happening right now! Walk-ins are welcome!
1 day ago, Carly Anderson
There is still time to sign up for the blood drive. Walk-ins are welcome too! Register here: Reminders: Arrive 10 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment Eat a good meal Drink Plenty of Fluids Bring an ID We suggest donors wear a short-sleeved shirt for the best donation experience Register inside door #1 at NK High School
2 days ago, Carly Anderson
Blood Drive
If you or your senior haven't completed the FAFSA yet, we will be having a FAFSA night at the high school to help you fill out the FAFSA! Just make sure you and your student have an FSA account created. You can create one by following the link below.
2 days ago, Carly Anderson
NK Cheerleading Camp for grades K-6 is this Saturday, Feb. 8th starting at 9am! Deadline to sign up is TODAY! Click the link register:
3 days ago, Susan Johnson
Cheer Camp
Spartan Angling and Outdoors were featured on a DNR Outdoor Skills and Stewardship webinar today. Great interviews with students occurred and coverage of our outdoor programs at NK! Get your kids outside!
3 days ago, Mr. Adam
Friday, February 7th: There is still time to sign up for the blood drive. Anyone in the community is welcome to sign up to donate blood. Use the link below or reach out to Carly Anderson at
3 days ago, Carly Anderson
Mrs. Riipinens Applied Math class prepared dishes to share after studying food safety
4 days ago, Amy Riipinen
Mrs Riipinen's Intermediate Algebra classes have been working hard on their String Art project!
4 days ago, Amy Riipinen
Here is February's college and career calendar for seniors!
4 days ago, Carly Anderson
Mrs. Furey's 9th graders designed and created kites to demonstrate and prove parallel, perpendicular, and skew lines in Geometry class. We used our problem solving skills, researched, and designed unique kites. Many were flying in the air today.
5 days ago, Nicole Furey
NK Cheerleading Camp for grades K-6 is this Saturday, Feb. 8th starting at 9am! Deadline to sign up is Feb. 5th!! Click the link register:
5 days ago, Susan Johnson
Cheerleading camp
It's time for the next blood drive at Nashwauk-Keewatin High School! Anyone in the community is welcome to sign up to donate blood. Use the link below or reach out to Carly Anderson at
5 days ago, Carly Anderson
Blood Drive
Adult Community Ed. classes: Sew a Formal Dress with Myrna at the Bridal Shop in Nashwauk. Starts Feb. 10th Deliciously Homemade Pie Crust with Vicky- Feb. 13th at the Keewatin Community Center Register by Wed. Feb. 5th and save 5%. Use promo code SPRING5
6 days ago, Susan Johnson
Sew a Dress
LEGO Building Club (last session of the school year) for K-6th graders, starts Tuesday, Feb. 4th. Click to sign up and use promo code: SPRING5 to save 5%.
6 days ago, Susan Johnson
Judo for grades preK-6 starts Monday, Feb. 3rd. Judo will be held from 4pm-5pm in the KES gym. click to register. Use code: SPRING5 to save 5%.
7 days ago, Susan Johnson
The Valentine Cookie Decorating Class is now full. No more registration forms will be accepted. Judo, LEGO, Cheerleading Camp, Cave Art, and Taylor Swift Night still have seats available! Click to view the Comm. Ed. Catalog:
9 days ago, Susan Johnson
GREAT NEWS!! Keewatin Elementary will be in session tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29th. Thank you, NK Families, for being patient while we figured everything out!
11 days ago, Dr. Rae Villebrun